Hyperlexia Symptoms
The severity, frequency, and grouping of the following symptoms will determine an actual diagnosis
A precocious ability to read words far above what would be expected at a child’s age Child may appear gifted in some areas and extremely deficient in others Significant difficulty in understanding verbal language Difficulty in socializing and interacting appropriately with people Abnormal and awkward social skills Specific or unusual fears Fixation with letters or numbers Echolalia (Repetition or echoing of a word or phrase just spoken by another person) Memorization of sentence structures without understanding the meaning An intense need to keep routines, difficulty with transitions, ritualistic behavior
Additional Symptoms: Normal development until 18-24 months, then regression Listens selectively / appears to be deaf Strong auditory and visual memory Self-stimulatory behavior (hand flapping, rocking, jumping up and down) Think in concrete and literal terms, difficulty with abstract concepts Auditory, olfactory and / or tactile sensitivity Difficulty answering “Wh–” questions, such as “what,” “where,” “who,” and “why”